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  • Living in the Unknown without FEAR

    For the past year I have been living in the void of the unknown. I made a decision, just 14 months ago now, to sell up my house and let go…

  • 13 Things I Love + Don’t Love About Nice

    Ah, Nice … the pearl of the Riviera, the heart of the Cote d’Azur. The beautiful city perched on the edge of the glistening blue Mediterranean. The playground for the rich…

  • Ah Monaco … So good I went twice!

    My friend Helen came to visit me a few weekends ago. I had worked with Helen in London … ahem, 30 years ago … and we had not seen each other…

  • An Afternoon in Eze

    For a change, it was a beautiful sunny day in Nice. Surprisingly the weather has been the WORST it has ever been in years. And this has been all year so…

  • Feeling Disconnected Creeps In

    Even though I am loving being in France, there are times, as I mentioned in the last blog, where I have felt quite flat. I was analyzing why I was feeling…

  • It’s Not All Roses You Know

    My second week here was pretty tough. Not because anything actually went wrong, but just ‘because’ really. I guess it was an emotional response to all the changes I was going…

  • Going Back to School to Learn French

    Monday 26 February 2018 I started my 12- week French course at Alpha.b in Nice. The school is in an old building near the central shopping street, so a handy location,…